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  1. about 6 hours ago on Joey Weatherford

    Bill Clinton’s reforms worked fine in a good economy. When there was a downturn there were single mothers who couldn’t find work to support themselves and with welfare limited, were sometimes forced to shoplift to feed their kids.

    It was under Ronnie the puppet of the rich right-wingers who dismantled much of the stuff started under Johnson.

  2. about 6 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    The problem is that if you ask those conservatives what they will actually DO to solve the “kitchen table” issues their answers are evasive and murky. You know they won’t force the manufacturers to stop their profiteering, and when they deport the workers that produce a lot of the food, it will get REAL expensive when they will have to pay more to get the work done (if they can find anyone willing to do it) Gas prices are controlled by the world oil market and nothing they can do, including drilling more, will change that. Housing costs for immigrants? They don’t want the handouts, they want to work, so let them. And take steps, like the bill on which Democrats conceded almost everything for. Crime is actually on the decline in most cities and is actually not a bigger problem in Democratic-run cities than anywhere else.

  3. about 7 hours ago on Mike Luckovich

    It has actually been said this is the most important and open-and-shut case there is against Trump. The laws he broke are clear. He keeps saying Pence and Biden did the same thing but it’s a matter of degree – neither of them actually had anything relevant to current matters, and they willingly gave the stuff back when it was found. Trump had things that he admitted were still classified when he waved them at a visitor.

  4. about 7 hours ago on Clay Jones

    How long did you have to think about that comment?

  5. about 7 hours ago on Doonesbury

    Apparently he was such a joy as a kid that he was sent to military school. Where he got some peer-group power and ruled with an iron fist.

  6. about 7 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    The sad thing is, as a commentator said when RvW was overturned – we’re not returning to pre-Roe days, we’re going somewhere much worse. Bad enough that moral decisions are made for you, but the kicker is when a wanted pregnancy goes wrong and doctors can’t do anything until the woman is at death’s door; even is she survives she may not be able to conceive again. This was not a problem pre-Roe.

    A side effect of this is that is some states it will soon become difficult to find a hospital that has anybody qualified to deliver babies; rather than risk being arrested many OB/GYN doctors are leaving.

    In Texas the legislator who wrote the bill said doctors have all the discretion they need, while the AG proved him wrong when he denied a request to allow an abortion in a case where the fetus was doomed and the mom wanted to preserve her ability to conceive again.

  7. 1 day ago on Prickly City

    Kinda slim pickins on GC today.

  8. 1 day ago on Joey Weatherford

    Sometimes, though, a one-parent household is better than one with an abusive parent.

  9. 1 day ago on Chip Bok

    The notion about his family is pure bunk. Melania had to know what he was when she married him (or she was a total fool); he has never shown a whit of concern for his family. Trump is concerned only with himself.

    If you sign a tax return prepared by an accountant and it’s totally illegal, you are still legally responsible for its content. Trump had to know Cohen was being paid back and was ultimately responsible for anything his “staff” did.

  10. 1 day ago on Joe Heller

    Barron is a puzzle – he has the name his daddy used as a fake surname. Of all presidential children in history he has been about the least visible, inviting all kinds of speculation. As a teen the pictures we got of him made him look like a Russian Mafia enforcer.