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  1. about 17 hours ago on Gary Varvel

    DEMENTIA!? What??? You mean that Jimmy Connors was not President of the U.S.?

    Readers: If you have not seen the video of the Demented Fat Orange Clown at his rally talking about “Jimmy, Jimmy, Jimmy” it is worth the search to find it.

  2. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson

    “No, I’m not. I don’t do any of the things you imagine. Where do you get such notions?“

    It appears he is creating a stereotype as you did with the homeless.

  3. 1 day ago on Lisa Benson


    A Geezer typically is over 80 years old and is cognitively slower. Generally they are more conservative and suspicious of others.

    People who got a pension (either government employee and/or because of a union) believe that it is because of their virtues. They give no credit to “those socialist libs” who fought for better working conditions and future financial security.

    As for supporting the indolent, Geezers always miss the point. A segment may be “indolent” but there are many reasons for people being homeless.

    Good management of spending tax dollars means methods and means of eradicating a social problem. It includes preventative measures to address the growth of the problem, remediating the problem for the current population and support for those motivated to be healthy, safe and independent.

    A Geezer believes that THEIR tax dollars are being spent only for giveaways with nothing returned.

  4. 2 days ago on Lisa Benson

    So, Lisa, is the message here that none of the MAGAt states have a homeless problem or that they don’t spend tax dollars on it?

  5. 2 days ago on Rob Rogers

    Trump’s Age and Behavior

    Let’s see now. Who is the strong leader with the strongest economy in 72 years and who is the one that behaves like a toddler reflecting the same behaviors of his cult followers?

    Could the RWNJs adore the man-baby who…

    Watches hours of TV he calls “executive time”…

    Falls asleep at any time anywhere …

    Pancakes on mommy’s makeup and hairspray…

    Talks incomprehensible gibberish during “rallies”…

    Is always asking for money…

    Loves sugary fatty fast foods…

    Needs two hands to hold his sippy cup…

    Throws his food…

    Is boorish and crude…

    Wears a diaper…

    Emits offensive Farts without concern for anyone in his area

    Who could it be????

    And the best goes on for the GOPQ…


  6. 2 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Really? This time the Nazi is in front of the counter and not behind it so the toon is meaningless…as usual from Hairy Drivel.

  7. 2 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Really? This time the Nazi is in front of the counter and not behind it so the toon is meaningless…as usual from Hairy Drivel.

  8. 2 days ago on Herman

    Commentary on the American diet? Missing a caption? Clue in the type of bird it might be?

  9. 3 days ago on Clay Jones

    Why is Buttboy’s butt drawn small?

  10. 4 days ago on Gary Varvel

    Mr, Varvel! Mr. Varvel! Did you get the messages from Moscow Vlad and NK Kim?

    Never mind. So glad they got to you…long ago.