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Recent Comments

  1. about 11 hours ago on John Deering

    So, does that mean the drinking game is to take a drink every time Traitor Trump doesn’t answer the question presented to him?

  2. about 11 hours ago on Lisa Benson

    No guessing, all lying with ol’ Jack.

  3. about 11 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Doesn’t help he’s notorious for keeping his cult waiting and is pretty repetitive in his rants.

    About all we can really hope for is that is cult starts to get bored with his repetitiveness.

  4. about 11 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    That’s the thing, they are noticing, but are in so deep that they are making excuses for his obvious psychosis. Seriously, he praised the late great Hannibal Lecter. Besides that it’s a fictional character, he hasn’t died in any of the movies as far as I can tell.

  5. about 11 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    When he was stalking Hillary on the stage, she should have turned around and asked him if he was 5 years old? and told him to go to his podium and wait his turn like an adult.

  6. about 11 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    How much you want to bet he walks over so he can talk over Biden on his microphone? OK, maybe he’ll just yell and whine and cry. Not fair, not fair, not fair.

  7. about 12 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Traitor Trump does seem to be walking back from the challenge. Why they didn’t think Biden would accept is a puzzle? Biden slammed him with the, “I know you are free on Wednesdays.” Burn!

  8. about 12 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Didn’t Rudy recently tell everyone exactly where to find him? Then again, he could be lying.

  9. about 12 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    Couldn’t pay me enough money to clean that perverts diapers.

    We can only hope the USA comes through this and proves that the rule of law applies to everyone, even if imperfectly.

    Frankly, I’m suspecting Rudy G only took down one mafia gang in order to allow another to take top spot. Not sure how that could be verified, but am thinking it would make sense, considering how deep he’s into Traitor Trump’s corruption.

  10. about 12 hours ago on Clay Bennett

    OK, Traitor Trump’s lawyers obviously don’t want him talking. I hadn’t heard RFK, Jr’s doctors don’t want him walking. Is that because of the brain damage caused by the dead worm in his brain?